Our Stories


Kwatja, Kwatja! Kuprilya Day 2020

By Neville Doecke

Kwatja is the Western Arrarnta term for ‘water’.

Water is important and powerful, but why would 16 families gather to have their young babies and children (spiritually) washed clean, particularly on Kuprilya Day?

What is the story behind Kuprilya Day? Read further about the life changing history for the Western Arrarnta peoples of the Lutheran community of Hermannsburg (Ntaria) in central Australia, and the annual October celebration of Kuprilya Day, click here.

Read similar stories in the 2020 Summer edition of Christ in the Centre, news from the Finke River Mission (FRM) of the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA).

Neville Doecke is the Ministry Support Worker
for the Western Arrarnta Language Area
Ministry of the LCA’s FRM


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