‘to bring to life an expression of our ministry that helps all peoples recognise, understand, value and respect the histories, cultures, lands and contributions of First Nations peoples, as we honour our common humanity and provide each other with equal opportunity to flourish, as together, we grow as God’s people’.

Where we’re heading

A Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is a framework for organisations to realise their vision for engaging well with Aboriginal people and creating good pathways and processes for people. Through the program, organisations develop a RAP – a plan that documents what an organisation commits to doing.

A RAP is a tool to:

  • listen more intently
  • make a plan together
  • publicly commit to this plan
  • follow through and keep on track with this plan
  • be accountable for what we do, and, what we don’t do.

A RAP provides a framework for the Lutheran Church of Australia to realise its vision for hearing, recognising and supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

An LCA RAP allows us to:

  • draw on our existing relationships, knowledge and resources
  • provide greater support to our existing Aboriginal mission areas
  • develop stronger respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures
  • create opportunities for us to work together and grow strong in faith.

Got questions?

RAP is new. You’re sure to have questions.

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