About RAP
- Lutheran Education EarthCare Charter – includes six principles each with principle and mission, devotions and worship, theological notes, Bible references, taking action
- Norm Habel’s personal website – includes some additional links
- ACLE slideshow
- LLL Earthcare grants
Some umbrella groups (Australia)
- Qld Churches Env. Network (part of Qld churches together)
- Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (multi-faith)
- A Rocha
Lutheran World Federation
(from https://seasonofcreation.org/resources/denominational-resources/)
other pointers there
- Overall perspective is available in the Lutheran World Federation’s Guiding Principles for Sustainable Development
- Lutheran World Federation has produced reflection guides And God Saw That It Was Good: Reflections on Theology of Creation (by Barbara Rossing), Responding to the Word of God and Creation: Ethical Reflections on Genetic Engineering and Responsive Science (by Ulrik Becker Nissen), and Responsible Stewards of God’s Creation: Advocating for Climate Justice (by Martin Kopp)
- Lutheran World Federation offers a wealth of liturgical material for Climate Justice
- Lutheran World Federation has produced a book on spiritual and ethical perspectives on God, Creation and Climate Change and an accompanying reflection and discussion guide
- Weekly biblical reflections for the Season of Creation are posted every Friday on the Lutheran World Federation website
ALWS resources
- Web pages were set up for Awareness Week activities in schools; see https://www.alws.org.au/index.php/discover-more/schools. The materials are aimed at schools, they can be used by others as well – see prayer and worship resources
- The theme for awareness week in 2016 was ‘Goodness grows: our planet, our people, our purpose’. There is a link to the resources that were available for schools here https://www.alws.org.au/index.php/discover-more/schools/awareness-week-2016
- The theme for 2018 was Our Unequal World https://www.alws.org.au/index.php/discover-more/schools/awareness-week-2018
- There is a great video story at https://www.dropbox.com/s/jskij6ifiqsz1vl/From%20Nothing%20to%20Something.mp4?dl=0
Wind Energy
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Elephant Sanctuary
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